People with water-borne diseases occupy more than 50% of hospital beds across the world. Does the answer lie in building more hospitals? Really, what is needed is to give them clean water. – Manoj Bhargava
On the 31st of May 2019 the Borderland PDP team met with 40 of the participants from the Water Aid Nepal at the Norling Resort, Gokarna for their 1 day retreat and team building purpose. Various activities were handpicked to meet the objective of the program.
Activities were systematically floored with short introduction and purpose followed by energizers and tone setting with the aim to loosen up and to encourage participation in a fun filled way. 4 activities were then taken up followed by Geodesic Dome.
Active participation by all involved was worth making a happy day for all facilitators. Energy, communication, eagerness and zeal put in justified every single activity. Interaction taken up in between the activities and on final debriefs between participants and the facilitators were in fact a hug learning experience on both ends.
What better remark could Borderland PDP expect than the positive, satisfactory and enormously happy notes by each participant.