The Borderland Leadership School conducted Team Building & Retreat Program for World Bank,
Water Stars Team from 20 th to 22 nd Sep, 2022.The participants from different Nation like
Afghanistan, India, US, Ethiopia, Uganda, Philippines, Mexico, Srilanka, France, Nepal and
Pakistan were gathered. The program was intended to provide an opportunity for team
members to get to know each other better, strengthen working relationships and team culture
and renew the commitments of World Bank’s mission.

The team building activities were facilitated by senior facilitators of the Borderlands. The
participants were almost new to each other, thus the 1 st day was focused on tone setting, ice
breaking, trust and communication and other problem solving activities. Likewise, the DISC
assessment and forest walk had also done on the same day. Besides the problem solving
activities, on 2 nd day the participants visited Bauddhanath Stupa and participate in the Patan
Heritage walk specially focus on the ancient water system to the valley including ponds, wells
and water spouts which was followed by Chandragiri Hills visit on 3 rd day. During the course of
activity an individual as well as teams performance had also observed by the facilitators to
determine the morale and team work of them.
The overall activities helped participants to ease with each other, develop the trust, and
improve the communication as well as team coordination. The participants got a chance to
know about the ancient water system of the valley and historical places. Mr. Anil Chitrakar led
the team.
The 3 days team building program provided the experiential learning to the participants as well
as built mutual trust, stronger, more effective working relationships on the team. This program
also enhance the team work, self – awareness and understanding of self reflection.
The program was wrapped with debriefing: highs and challenges of the program and certificate