The Borderlands Leadership School conducted the Expedition and Leadership Development program for
the Years 10 and 11 of The British School Students from 2 nd to 6 th Oct 2023. The Program for Year 10
was held at The Borderlands Eco–Adventure Resort and for Year 10 at Sunkoshi River Bank. In total 31
and 49 participants including students and teachers of Years 10 & 11 respectively participated in the
expedition. The objective of the program was to prepare the students for the Duke of Edinburgh (DoE)
Program. The activities similar to the DoE were conducted during the 4N/5D Expedition and Leadership
Development Program. The Highlights of the program are briefly described in the sections below.

Year 10
The major highlights of the 4-night5-day program were map and compass navigation training, hiking,
cooking and first aid training, leadership development, and adventurous activities. All the mentioned
activities besides the hiking were conducted at the premises of the Borderlands Resort. The participants were hiked up to the Borderlands Fall and again hiked down to the Borderlands Resort. Overall the participants walked for 6 hrs (3 hrs hike up and 3 hrs hike down) during the hiking. The major highlight of the hiking was the students themselves found the hiking route as per the map and a compass navigation class was taken. They the topographic map of the Gati village and a compass were given to the students to find the way and the directions. After getting training in cooking, the students cooked 3 meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) themselves and enjoyed their meals. To cook the required foods, and ingredients, a stove burner and utensils were provided. They also learned how to pitch and pack the camping tent, leave no trace, and backpacking for hiking. They also enjoyed adventurous activities such as abseiling and leadership development activities such as low rope course, parachute, leaky pipe, and electric fence.

All the provided activities helped students to develop their leadership, improve team work, increase communication, enhance trust and coordination, time management, develop bonding, build confidence, and execution of the planning. They also overcome their fear of heights via abseiling.

We The Borderlands team wish them for their good future ahead.